Nehos Communications
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LNP – Local Number Porting – IN

Nehos Communications

LNP – Local Number Porting – IN

Nehos pride themselves in that over many years they have successfully ported in every requested number. Recent legislation has further simplified the process to make it easy for you to move your number from one supplier to another.

The only information we normally require is your current supplier account number and the company name and address that relates to the telephone number’s service address. In the absence of those, we take the company address as shown on your current telephone bill.

A local number port order is initiated from within your client login screen.

There are two categories that a number falls into. For the purpose of simplicity, these examples will focus on an individual telephone number (most common) and a 100-number range.

Example 1 – Single Number that you would like to port into your Nehos account (Simple CAT A)

Step 1 – Request / Complete Local number Port application – found in client portal under order forms. Alternatively you can request an order be sent to you for signing. All orders submitted then have an order id.

Step 2 – The assumption is that this request is for a single number that has no associated services. We then make requests to port out from the current service provider. The current supplier has typically 5 working days to accept the request or it can reject if it is incorrect information and/or is marked for changes, is canceled or is considered complex if the number is associated with other services.

Step 3 – If you are notified and with a successful result we then confirm the requested book on date or default is asap. This is usually completed a day or two later. This is always between 08:00 and 15:00 EST Monday to Friday (excluding any National, NSW or QLD holidays)

If rejected we also make contact and provide further information as it may be appropriate to either resubmit immediately or consider a CAT C application.

Example 2 – One Hundred number range e.g. 02 8284 7700 to 02 8284 7799 (Complex CAT C)

Step 1 – Request / Complete Local number Port application – found in client portal under order forms. Alternatively you can request an order be sent to you for signing. All orders submitted then have an order id.

Step 2 – We check and with no further questions we make a request to port out from the losing carrier. Current supplier has typically 12 working days to accept the request or it can reject if it is incorrect information and/or is marked for changes or is canceled.

Step 3 You are notified and with a successful result we then confirm a book in date and time at least 12 working days ahead. This is always between 08:00 and 15:00 EST Monday to Friday (excluding any National, NSW or QLD holidays)

If rejected we also make contact and provide further information as it may be appropriate to resubmit immediately.

One off Costs for Porting in – GST inclusive:

Category A Port – Single number = $44.00

Category A Reject charge = $16.50

Category C Port – Unlimited Numbers = $220.00

There are a number of different scenarios that could occur. We can advise the quickest and least cost to achieve what you want. Please contact the sales team for more information.

External ref:


  • Due to our need to communicate with your originating carrier for porting a number, standard turnaround time for a CAT A / simple porting request is typically “10 WORKING DAYS” (5 for the port verification and 5 for the actual port). Nehos has no control over these timelines — they are determined by legislation and the response time of the originating carrier — therefore a precise time frame cannot be guaranteed. For CAT C timeframes are double or longer that of CAT A.
  • By Porting the telephone number(s), the service associated with that telephone number is disconnected from the existing Service Provider’s network and may result in finalisation of the account for that service. DO NOT disconnect your number prior to commencing the Porting process.
  • You obtain the right to port your telephone number(s), however, there may be costs and obligations imposed by your current Service Provider, associated with the port which may include early termination fees and / or Porting fees. Please check with your existing carrier/ service provider prior to submitting a Porting request.

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